Saturday, June 25, 2011

how to use a french press

nothing starts off a saturday better than a good ol' french press at the studio
essentials: a FP, kettle & coffee grounds (largest grind size is best)
it's recommended to use level 2 tbsp of coffee for every 6 oz of water ...
... so i always use about 8 tbsp with 3 cups of water (24 oz)
(just to make it easy on a pre-caffeinated brain)
after adding 8 tbsp of level coffee grounds followed by 3 cups of water i mix it all up and let it steep for a couple minutes
plunging time!
make sure to press down in an even, controlled manner, keeping the rod totally straight
coffee is served!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

favorite meal in the treehouse: breakfast (apparently)

but i still love breakfast at other treehouses, too :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

DIY: a decorative ceiling-mounted light fixture

scale: small studio, small kitchen, small kitchen table= diminutive hanging votive cluster. the glass votive holders were purchased from Area over the holidays to be used to decorate my patio railing during warmer months. but instead i decided to put them to use right away in my kitchen, clustering them together with a metal rod i picked up from Fredericksen's

Thursday, December 16, 2010

snail mail from the studio

letter seals: the little touch that goes a long way

Thursday, October 28, 2010

makin' banana pancakes

les ingrédients
multigrain pancake mix, banana, egg & one tablespoon of oil

the plan of attack
top left: mush banana
top right: throw it all in
bottom left: blend it smooth
bottom right: pour baby!

one banana pancake, two . . .
wait 'til it gets bubbly & flip it over for a bit

breakfast is served!
and for some, lunch or dinner ... midnight snack? i think yes

my suggestion:
icing on the [pan] cake, aka
100% pure maple syrup

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

what goes where

the plan of attack:

what to do

I decided to paint the walls. This was the hardest decision I had to make since moving into my shoebox. I like lots of colors for walls, but I could only have one!

initially, my ideal color scheme (right) & accent wall covering (left)

the floor plan & views

the floor plan:
most of the views are from the kitchen:

cute & little, very 1950's... reminds me of the beach house :)

and more views from the kitchen: